
I like the consider myself an artsy person. I enjoy painting, drawing, and crafting. And lately I have been enjoying photography as an art form as well. But until recently I didn’t consider fashion as an art form. Now, I realize it is. It is fun to play with different color pallets and to add pieces together you normally wouldn’t. I find myself trying to follow too many rules when it comes to fashion. But it is better sometimes to throw that aside and treat putting together an outfit like putting together a masterpiece.

Do you consider fashion an art form?

dress: thrifted/tights: ???/scarf: gift/shoes: target

About dressupsandmessups

I am a... [wife, believer,journal-er, resident of Arkansas, dog owner, crochet-er, lover of personal style]

4 responses »

  1. You are so pretty! I LOVE this look. The pink, red, and white go really pop off each other, and that scarf bring all the colors together 🙂

  2. I definitely consider fashion a form of art! Especially my shoes which I keep on display on shelves as such 🙂

    I LOVE bright pink and red paired together. The scarf is the perfect finishing touch!


  3. This is one of my favorite outfits of yours I’ve seen so far! 🙂 So cute!!!

  4. I love your philosophy! It’s very much an art form and long ago I realized you cannot follow a “path” or “rules” you just piece items together until you land on a beautiful piece of art also known as an outfit.

    This is a great OUTFIT! I love the pink+red. I’ve always been scared of mixing the two together, but you do it well and the white and brown breaks it apart. AND your boots are to die for.


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